Community School Luiza Mahin
Founded in 1990, the Community School Luiza Mahin was an initiative of the Santa Luiza Neighbourhood Assembly Association, due to the community need on education and health. Because of the lack of public schools, which were insufficient to care for children in Uruguay district. Luiza Mahin School first emerged as a "neighbourhood school" and then consolidated as a “community school”, recognised by legal and competent bodies. In the first two years since its foundation, the School functioned with its own resources, which would often be collected directly from the community. Since 1992, the School has been equipped with financial resources as a result of partnerships, donations and, more precisely, the agreement with the Canadian NGO, World Vision. Currently, the school occupies the former space of AMESA – Alagados and Melhoramentos, the body that promoted the development and the improvement plan of the Alagados region in Itapegipe Peninsula.
Guided by the Paulo Freire and Emilia Ferreiro literacy methodology, the School, works to increase literacy levels of young people and adults of the region, in order to diversify the opportunities and continuing training, as well as to increase access to more children in this region to primary education and early childhood education.