Alternative Technology Service (SERTA)
Founded in 1989, by a mobilisation of a group of farmers, technicians and educators that developed rural communities. Created to improve property and income by making use of appropriate technologies, the Alternative Technology Service (SERTA) is now a school that offers education on Technical / Vocational training in Agroecology for 1,250 students in Goitá, Region of the Forest and Ibimirim Zone, state of Pernambuco.
In an alternate basis for 18 months, the students are divided into a week of immersion in teaching units and three weeks with the family and the community, developing research, reading, writing, social mobilisation and technologies in the properties residing or share – to apply the learned methodology with the monitoring and guidance of the teachers. Its mission is “to train young people as technicians / educators / producers / family to work in the transformation of economic, social, environmental, cultural, political and promoting the sustainable development within.” With its own methodology, Peads (Educational Support Program for Sustainable Development), based on general concepts of sustainability and the principles of territorial development.